What is the SMART way to make Educational New Year’s Resolutions?

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An estimated 50% of people in the United States make New Year’s Resolutions… only 20% actually keep them after 1 week… and only 10% of those people keep their resolutions after 1 month. That is an average of only 1 person out of 100 who can actually stick with a goal for a full month after the New Year! Why is there such a disparity in the number who can keep a resolution versus those who cannot? The answer resides in the SMART methodology...

The S.M.A.R.T. method of goal setting involves 5 principles:

  1. Specific

  2. Measurable

  3. Achievable

  4. Relevant

  5. Timely

Your goal must be specific, such as start studying for all Tests at least 3 days in advance. It must also be measurable; for example, achieve nothing lower than a 90% on any Assignment. The goals must also be achievable. Trying to run a marathon in under a half hour is not humanly possible at this time (we shall see what jet-pack technology in the future may say about that), therefore it is not a SMART goal. Your Educational New Year’s Resolution should also be relevant. Hence, being accepted to a Top 25 University is an example of a relevant goal for one who has above a 4.0 GPA and is working on College Admissions. Finally, the goal must be bound by some sort of timetable, such as finishing all College Applications by December 1st, even the ones that are not due until January 1st. That will allow you to enjoy your Holiday Break without worrying about scrambling to finish before the deadlines. Set a deadline for yourself, because as a wise man once said, “Set your own deadlines or they will be set for you!”

Here’s to NO PROCRASTINATION in the New Year!