How do I know if my student has Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

October is National ADHD Awareness Month, and in honor of those working hard to raise awareness about this disorder, we at DowEdu want to reach out and offer our over 20 years of experience working with students with ADHD.

First, what is ADHD? It stands for Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder, therefore the pathopneumonic symptoms are an inability to focus and concentrate, which is often accompanied by hyperactivity. The symptomology associated with ADHD is a laundry list of manifestations ranging from impulsivity, disorganization, and increased locomotor activity to thought bombardment and gaze avoidance. There are 3 main types: Inattentive Type, Hyperactive Type, and both Inattentive/Hyperactive Type. Often times, the student is unable to organize their schoolwork, daydreams during class and misses key information, impulsively seeks euphoric activities instead of getting schoolwork done (e.g. video games), is seen staring off into space, and an inability to sit still and focus on the task at hand.

Our President & Founder, Steven Alan Dow, M.S., wrote his Master’s Thesis on ADHD, therefore his unique expertise in this field has led to the overwhelming success of DowEdu in providing Educational Therapy for students demonstrating ADHD symptoms. Upon working with DowEdu, student grades go from F’s to A’s in a matter of a few weeks!

Don’t let your child fall behind… Call us today to schedule an Introductory Assessment, and end the immense stress and strain of trying to navigate through online Distance Learning with a student that suffers from ADHD.
