Are you ready to turn in your UC System Application before the November 30th deadline?

There is only one week left until the UC System Application deadline! There are several components that go into the evaluation of your UC system Application by Admissions Officials. I remember when I started attending a conference with all 9 Directors of Admissions for each of the UC System Schools. We went into breakout rooms and had question-and-answer sessions regarding what makes a superior candidate. There has been a great deal of valuable information gleaned from those conferences over the years… Some of the highlights include:

The Personal Insight Questions are the best way for the Admissions Officials to get to know you. This is your opportunity to tell the Admissions Committee about yourself. Your talents, skills, strengths inside and outside of the classroom, life experiences, and unique circumstances. Choose the top 4 out of 8 Personal Insight Questions and write a 350 word Essay that will impress the Admissions Staff.

The Activities Section is critical in terms of separating yourself from the other candidates. A great deal of strategic planning is required in this section. Ranking of activities and describing them with resume terminology is key.

The Special Circumstances Section allows you to discuss anomalous grades, being a caregiver for a family member, or personal/family military service. Those students who are from a disadvantaged background and/or underprivileged community should include this information in this section. 

The Summer Enrichment Program Section is an addition over the last decade that emphasizes the importance of completing a Summer Camp, Fellowship, or Certification Program. Summer Camps such as Law Camp, Business Camp, or Coding Camp are among the most common. Summer Research Internships and Fellowships will definitely separate a Science major candidate from the rest of the competition… It is extremely important to plan at least one 4-6 week program every summer of your high school career in order to be competitive for impacted majors at top UC System Schools.

If you need assistance with utilizing strategies and tips that have been accumulated over the past 25 years from Admissions Officials themselves, then contact Dow Educational Solutions today for a College Counseling Assessment. Time is running out!